I love this photo of Kristen Pfaff, she died at a very young age, just 27, three months after her lover Kurt Cobain. Both members af the 27 club. Like Axel Rose would say "she used to love her heroin and now she's underground." That's what happened, she was a drug addicted.
But I love this photo, it takes me back to the 90s when I was too small to listen to music. And there she stands, young with the black hair that covers up her skinny flesh. She's playing the bass and it seems that there's nothing more important to her than music. She doesn't care of Courtney that calls her a bitch for going out with her man, she doesn't care of Kurt that already has a wife and a daughter and he won't divorce, she doesn't care of people calling her anorexic, she seems to "want" the sound of her bass. Kristen isn't pretty, her body is too thin, her nose is quite too big, but she's beautifully ignoring the conventions of the world.
Then Kurt dies, and she just doesn't survive...
Savannah xx
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