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Does indie mean happiness? To me yes, indie for me is a way of life. It is not only music or only fashion. Try to listen to "she moves in her own way" of the Kooks, then try not to smile. That song has the power to make me forget the bad things that happen. I remember going to school on september with the i-pod in the ears that used to play non-stop that song or "shine on" (also song of the Kooks). Now if I wasn't nervous  and depressed it was just because there was the sound of the gentle guitar that kept me smiling.
The same thing happens to me when I'm listening to "What Katie did" of the Libertines, it makes me smile and sing it for hours. My mom the other day told me that I looked like an idiot because I was singing over and over "What you're gonna do Katie, you're a sweet sweet girl, but it's a cruel cruel world".
But as I've already wrote on another post happiness is to me the key of eternity, or eternal youth, so if indie is able to give me a smile there's nothing wrong. It may not be the best music, it isn't Beatles, Rolling Stones or Doors but is very nice and makes us leave the problems outside us so maybe it's even better.

Savannah xx

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