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domenica 4 settembre 2011

Better Liam Gallagher or Noel Gallagher? Better Oasis!

Now that both brothers showed their new material as ex-Oasis the question is obvious... Who did the better job? Who is better? Who's the genius? As Beady Eyes have had their big ammount of unexpected success with "different gear still speeding", some Oasis purists were waiting for Noel's comeback. Now Noel and his new band the High Flying Birds have realeased their new single "The Death of You and Me". And now is obviously time for comparison. I'll tell you my opinion (as I always did actually). Beady Eyes is a good band, they've got the unmistakeble voice of Liam and the same songs as Oasis but without the sparkle (I'm not sure if the term is right) of Noel's presence.
The High Flying Birds are a godd bunch of musicians playing good music, they've got the unmistakable presence of Noel Gallagher and they play songs a bit different of the Oasis ones, but they miss that sparkle that made Oasis different from any other band, Liam's voice.
Now, I'm sure that both bands will have a fantastic future based on the success that Oasis had, because to be completely sincere, if Liam and Noel weren't famous for being in Oasis no one would have care less of both of them right now.
The High Flying Birds are too similar to any other rock band witch plays in british pubs, with the difference that they don't have the indie sound on witch is based the success of many new bands.
Beady Eyes simply make music that is too anacronistic for the 21rst century, they sound like a Beatles cover band!
So who's better?
Dear Liam and Noel, you can split on each other how much you want, but the truth is that only together you make wonderful music.
Oasis are better!
I like to remember them much more as brothers than as enemies.


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